Sunday, March 9, 2008

A Beautiful Day in the Neighbourhood

Today it is - after we received 50 - yes 50cm - of snow in the 24 hours from Friday afternoon to Saturday afternoon!  Biggest snow storm of the winter so far.  Needless to say we did not do much - apart from peer out the windows saying "OMG look at that bloody snow - its going sideways!" and similar constructive comments.  Our neighbour has a snowblower and loves to use it - just rubbing our noses in it we reckon!! - but he was out there twice yesterday - can you tell!  As I was taking the photo he was getting ready to fire it up again and so I suppose I should show willing and get out there with my shovel.  I do have an open house this afternoon so will have to venture out eventually.  At least the sun is shining today.  What is strange to me is that places like Calgary at the foot of the Rockies in Alberta where I would expect there to be snow, don't have a snowflake. I just saw a report on the news this morning and I thought it was old report from the summer, but no they don't have an iota of the white stuff.  Apparently, they are running out of gas too - what is the world coming to?


Maggie May said...

That is serious snow! Will take some shovelling! Take a break as you are tagged & come over to my place to find out what you have to do!

softinthehead said...

Maggie May, shovelling accomplished (1 hour!) and I am now sitting here sweating and coughing and catching up. Thanks for tagging me - Wakeup tagged me back in January 9, 2008 and I would love to do a clever link (as I know you want to rush over and check it out!) but not bright enough. Great to see Mean Mum is back though

aims said...

Sorry SITH - yesterday as I stood out on my deck in a tshirt and looked at the brown grass I turned to The Man and said - imagine - they are getting dumped on in the east...pity.

Mean Mom said...

Fantastic snow! My 3 sons are grown up, in theory, but long for snow like yours every winter.

Thanks for visiting my blog. Sorry about my best backside.

wakeupandsmellthecoffee said...

WOW!!! That's a lot of snow. Beautiful though.