Thursday, March 13, 2008

What a Wonderful World!

Stinking Billy 's post of yesterday got me thinking about the world of blogging. It is a truly wonderful world. When you meet someone in the blogging world, due to a lot of people's anonymity, you don't know whether they are male or female, black, white or green, no religious symbols usually in evidence. In fact we have usually stumbled across them purely because of something they wrote, a wonderful way with words, a sense of humour, a witty comment left in someone's Inbox tempts us to find out more. In fact on some of the blogs I visit, it took me a while to work out whether they were male or female. It really did not matter. I liked their style. They left me laughing (that is what draws me most often) or their slant on their world or the world in general piqued my interest. But would I have connected with these people in the real physical world? That's the interesting question, geography aside, would I have thought, because of some oblique visual signal, that any one of them might not be "my kind of person". Let's be honest, this happens, maybe on a very subconscious level, but it does happen. How often have you met someone, and been pleasantly surprised that you did get along, they were your kind of person, but something in the first meeting had prompted you to think otherwise. I have a friend, a friend of many, many years now, she lives way over in California, and we still keep in touch via email, Christmas cards and the rarest of telephone calls, but if ever we were in the same place in the world for a minute, would be back on that old footing. However, when I first met J, she looked like a Barbie doll, blonde curls, the tiniest of mini skirts, she looked fabulous, and well, I don't! I have to admit my first impression was that we were not going to be best buddies, but we ended up standing next to each other at a party, chatted away a mile a minute, got drunk together, and the rest is history. But I have always remembered the baggage in my head at the time. To me that is one of the joys of blogging, it crosses all barriers. Keep it up.


aims said...

SITH - I think you've said it all right here....

It's amazing how well people get to know each other through the written word.....

I've met up with 4 other bloggers now at a Blogger's Breakfast - and they turned out to be women I quite like - So much like their blogs in fact.

I don't know how they felt about me as I am not one of the 'usual' type of bloggers...but what the hell...they let me eat at the same table anyway...

Expat mum said...

Good point Softie. It would be truly interesting if we were all put in a room together and made to "pin the name to the blogger".

softinthehead said...

Aims, thank goodness you are not the "usual blogger"! That's what we love about you.

Expatmum, well I've never been called that before! :) Yes it's true that would be an interesting game.

Carolyn said...

Lovely post. I totally agree. Thanks for sharing!

Carolyn said...

This is exactly what I was thinking about when I posted this morning. Thanks for your comments and your perspective! (btw - Check out my quote of the day. I'm feeling much better now that I've typed and purged!)