Well for starters, it is too damn early, it's soooo depressing - is this it now for the next six months?! Getting the hint? I don't like Canadian winters, especially southern Ontario winters, they are grey, icy and miserable. I like my snow on the slopes. When we lived in California, in San Diego to be exact, we could drive up to the slopes, have a wonderful week of skiing, marvel at the beautiful white capped trees etc. etc. and return to the sunny climes of southern Cal. It was perfect! I know moan, moan, moan! But O....M....G....!! To cap it off, my neighbour two doors down, not only has her Christmas lights up, but has them lit up already!! My scrooge is showing again.

Anyway on a lighter note, we finally received the photographer's photos of the wedding so I have included a few gratuitous ones, just to cheer myself up.

It was actually lovely to re-visit the occasion at two months' distance. It surely was a happy and laughter filled day.

And may they live happily ever after!
What a beautiful daughter you have! She looks like the perfect bride! And - don't they look so wonderfully happy!
We got snow yesterday too. I'm bummed. However - we leave in 3 weeks for New Orleans. A holiday at last!
Yes she is beautiful and very happy looking. She is a chip off the old block Softie and you must be very proud of her. Snow? Already? Dear God.....
Your daughter is a really beautiful lady! You must be very proud of her. Great photos. What were you rummaging around up in that skirt? LOL
Snow already. I hate the stuff so I can imagine how you must be feeling, knowing the winter is just beginning.
Christmas lights already!
What stunning photo's. Your daughter is soooo beautiful. What lovely memories of what was obviously a wonderful day. :-)
How pretty!
Yes, it's plummetted here too and I forgot to cover up all the plant roots. Happens every year. Grr.
Beautiful photos! Your Daughter is indeed truly beautiful!
We don't have the problem of snow here in Brazil and for this British guy it is quite confusing when Christmas is the hottest time of the year at almost 40 degrees celcius! Most times I long for those freezing cold Christmas's spent sitting by the fire and opening our presents!
Thank you for your lovely comment on my Blog! and if you do need any advice about Brazil for your Son you only have to ask... I will give my truthful opinions!
Thanks for all your lovely comments - from one very proud mum.
They are lovely wedding photos they look beautiful.
Ihope your not too cold this winter.
We lived in Toronto for 2 years, so I remember the winters very clearly! But thanks for reminding me so I can stop moaning about how cold it is today in the south of France. lol
What lovely wedding photos!
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