Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Hallelujah!!! It's Here

No I am not referring to my French trip (but that is almost here - and I am getting very excited), no SPRING, it has officially arrived. I am sitting here on my deck (Aims), admittedly dressed all in black for some unknown reason, got the capris on, legs unshaven, toenails unpainted but loving it.
On my deck it is currently 20 degrees C !!! Yes 20 - and I am (Carolyn) living in the moment !! It is wonderful. Big dopey black lab is agreeing with me as he impersonates a big black carpet down by my (not had a pedi in a while) feet. The birthday list is growing longer as I write (gift voucher for pedi, new capris, new sunglasses....). It is heavenly, there is still a fair amount of ice in the pool, the grass needs a bloody good raking, little green shoots are peeping out and everything is alright in my world right this second. Sigh!! I do not intend to move for a while, I have my cuppa, laptop and a great read by Jodi Picoult (Picture Perfect) and it could be raining tomorrow. See ya!


J said...

That is so, so not fair.

It's only 6 or 7 C here.

And you are NORTH of me!

dND said...

A bit of sunshine makes all the difference doesn't it.

I've obviously missed it, but where are you going to in France?

Georgina said...

I was just about to post and say the suns out, but it's just gone again and it's bucketing down. It looks like we are in for a day of sunshine and showers. I thought you may like this link to see what the weather will be like in your part of France (Not that it's ever right)
Enjoy the sun while it lasts.

Debra in France said...

Hi Sith, It's bizarre weather here. Saturday was roasting hot, 20 degrees in the shade. We were splitting and stacking loads of wood and we were drinking gallons of water. Sunday we had snow in the afternoon. It didn;t settle but the temperature dropped sharply, Monday was a hard frost in the morning followed by blue sky and warm afternoon, yesterday drizzle, and today raining.

Maggie May said...

Yeah..... Spring has sprung here too!

softinthehead said...

j - thanks for dropping by, where are you located?

dnd - love sunshine, not too keen on heat and humidity - I am going to be just north of Limoges in Limousin, where Debra is - see her comment!

Debs - weird weather eh?

Debra - so what you are telling me is ....pack everything ,,so no change there! :)

Maggie - it's a wonderful feeling isn;t it!

dND said...

You'll be about 3 hours north of me and a completely different climate!

Strange coincidence isn't it that you've a Debs, a Debra and a Deborah all commenting on your blog and we're all in France too. I wonder what the probability is of that :-D

softinthehead said...

Debs - LOL thanks for the link, I just clicked on it and it is raining across the whole of France ... so wellies...check!

Irene said...

Since you've commented on my blog twice, I think it is only the decent think for me to come and pay you a return visit and tell you I have bookmarked your page an look forward to your daily musing. Glad to hear your temps are up. They aren't quite here, but we are full of good hope.

softinthehead said...

Irene thanks for dropping by. Musings - that is a good description of what goes on here, nothing too deep and serious I find, not in my nature. A far bit of wine drinking though! :) Cheers

Leigh Russell said...

Sounds pretty pretty good... We're still recovering from the shock of unseasonable snow this week.

menopausaloldbag (MOB) said...

Weather - I am so sick of the fluctuations in it. We've had snow and rain and sunshine and you never kow what to wear! Bloody global warming!

aims said...

Oh SITH! You are being warned here and now!

I will get back at you - I promise!

Sally Townsend said...

Another reader in France, it sure is spring here too, my first poppies have appeared in the garden !!!!!

Maggie May said...

There is an "award of distinction" waiting for you at my place!

softinthehead said...

Leigh - welcome - we are experiencing the shock of no snow, it's great.

MOB - weird eh, global warming bringing you snow in April?

Aims - have I touched a sore nerve?....(smirk!)

Sally - don't gloat....Aims will start on you! :)

Maggie - I know, already scooped that up, thanks so much!