Thursday, February 14, 2008

I would like to thank......

Thank you Debra (Us In France ) She has honoured me with an award (well in fact two but delightfully Margot had already awarded me - thank you both. This is very heartwarming as I still such a newcomer to the world of blogging. Believe me I will get around to forwarding them on when I work out that procedure, but due to exhaustion after my two fantastic days in New York, I honestly don't have the brainpower required today. I know I managed to get the last one on but through the maze that is blogging I can't remember who gave the instructions. So if anyone can help this befuddled woman.....please do. I also need to update my bloggers role, maybe I will get around to that as well. And forwarding the award, so many tasks and not enough brain cells!!


aims said...

Congrats!! and so glad you had a good time in New York!

menopausaloldbag (MOB) said...

I have finally made it back to your blog. Great read as usual. Glad you got the bathroom renovated!