Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Stagette Fallout

We had a lovely afternoon on Saturday.  The weather cooperated and we sat around the pool, a few people actually took the plunge.  We had all got together to get just a couple of big presents and we gave my daughter a nice expensive blender and some great flatware.  The rest of the time was spent drinking, eating, chatting and laughing.

Shower Part II - the Stagette.  Some of the diehards (me included) headed out in the evening to go downtown.  Now the proceedings got serious.  Shots were imbibed!  Several of them, I remember saying at the time "this is going to hurt tomorrow!"  And boy did it, Sunday was BRUTAL.  I needed to sit quietly, with eyes closed making that age-old pledge "never again!!!".

We managed to get escorted from one bar by the bouncers, due to my daughter and friends dancing in the booth.  All in all, you could say it was a very successful Shower/Stagette!

So now it is onwards, 9 days and counting.  The bride and groom are off to the airport this evening to pick up her younger (not youngest) brother.  We are all excited about that as we haven't seen him for a year, he has been out west, in Banff and most recently in Victoria BC.

We seem to be in a holding pattern at the moment.  We keep checking the lists, all seems to be in hand.  We just have to wait for the big day.  I think this is the toughest period.  I am looking for chores to do, to make the time go quicker.  The bride is just wishing herself on the honeymoon.  It is VERY exciting.  A friend assures me the weight will just drop off me over the next week - she better be right as I do have "serious foundation garments" still left on my list!! Ladies - you know what I mean.


aims said...

Thank goodness someone invented Spanx! What would we do without them?

9 days huh? Golly - you could paint the whole house in that time the way you're racing around!

So looking forward to pics of the what will I do for the next 9 while I wait...hmmmm...

wakeupandsmellthecoffee said...

How exciting. Good luck on the big day.