Thursday, February 23, 2012

Sweet Deal!

Well son and I did go off to the second hand furniture warehouse (an exciting week with the parents as you can see) and I managed to pick up a sweet deal. A very nice armchair and ottoman for $25!!! They are a little grubby and I will give them a good clean. I intended to get something as an upholstery project but they look pretty good as they are at the moment. There is an oil stain on one corner so if anyone has any tips on removing that, please let me know.

Most of the stuff there was absolute tat, dusty and dirty with these little gems just sitting there amongst the mess.

There was also an interesting chest of drawers I might have to go back for next week. At these prices I would be a fool not to. But I will leave that until we have moved, just less stuff to transfer. We move into another rental on Wednesday, this time for six months. Gypsies - who us?!?


Diane said...

Looks like you had a bargain to me.Diane

aims said...

Oh my goodness SITH! What a change up for you and yours!

I am stunned at all the work you have accomplished in France. I love the doors made into a cabinet and I really liked the pots and pan hanger in the kitchen! We can't hang them from the ceiling here as The Man is TALL and we have a sloped roof. Maybe that is our answer!

So sorry to hear that the job in Toulouse did not work out. The Man is very unhappy with his work at present as well and I don't know what will happen. Health issues keep us here at present - but I'm crossing my fingers that someday they won't and New Orleans will still be waiting for us no matter when we finally straggle in.

For the oil.

I use auto degreaser on anything oily. That and HOT water seems to do the trick. And yes - I use it on clothes all the time.

softinthehead said...

Definitely a bargain Diane
Aims- lovely to hear from you - yes I used the pan holder mainly when we just had wooden storage shelves as kitchen units! But I am sticking with it, so handy (available at IKEA) Thanks for the degreaser tip - will give it a go and let you know how it works out.

Maggie May said...

Lovely to find a bargain amongst tat.
Yes..... gypsy springs to mind! Are we allowed to say that now?
Maggie X

Nuts in May

Maggie X

Nuts in May

softinthehead said...

Maggie believe me it has been said many times by all our friends and relatives. Anyone who knows us only ever writes our address down in pencil! :)