Here's a little taster for you, as for me, of what's been happening in France. My great friend and neighbour took these couple of teaser shots. Apparently her camera was full and she couldn't take anymore! She also assures me that there has been more progress since these were taken, which is reassuring because my daughter, her husband and my one year old granddaughter are due to be sleeping and possibly bathing here in three weeks' time.
The first shot shows the construction of the closet and the formation of an attic space above. As you can hopefully make out, the wall dividing the space will run behind the A frame leaving the lovely oak construction exposed.

The second one is another gratuitous shot of the lovely wood framework.
So I leave on Sunday, hubby follows the following Friday. We have a very busy time ahead of us before our visitors descend. Job one for me is a French MOT (sort of road worthiness test for those who do not live in UK) for the van, day two the satellite broadband is due to be installed to get us online.
Then I have to research and purchase wooden flooring for the attic space, bathroom fittings, also find a bed for our visitors to sleep on, get more plates, child proof the building site (our granddaughter is now walking!) ......the list goes on endlessly.
So, not so much a holiday as bootcamp, but I just cannot wait. There is so much STUFF I want to take with me, I think I might alternating the same two outfits over the next five weeks. Thank goodness we have a washing machine. Believe it or not I am actually transporting a small 4 man tent in my suitcase. Yes, the suitcase that I have to slog across Paris to catch the train down to the house.
I hopefully will be able to report back once I am online en France.
A bientot mes amis