It's been pretty hectic this week doing the course and doing a deal at the same time (whoopee!), actually it is my first referral so that was exciting. Someone I previously worked with passed along my name, so very gratifying.
I really enjoyed the course although as usual a lot of information to take on board, and manage to retain until the exam next Saturday (and beyond, of course!!).
It has also been a very rainy muggy week so I had to take another walk around my garden to check on everything and couldn't resist a few close-ups. The peonies are gorgeous, these are my second clump, you can see the lighter pink ones in my previous post, those have now go over and got trampled by the rain.
The lupins are pretty splendid too. Check out these enormous, almost rain-forest-like proportioned hostas. I think we have had a longer spring than usual and this has had an impact. I put the pool broom in the picture to give you a perspective. The broom is probably more than a foot wide!
What else has been happening? Well we have been trying to work out how we will retrieve the van from our son who is now down in Antibes working in a bar but not sure of their next move. We might fly into Nice rather than Limoges and drive back up and get to see some of the south of France but of course this all reduces the days at the house.
Debra over at Us In France and I have made contact and hope to try and get together while we are there, even if just for a coffee and put a face to a name :)
Oh and I start my part-time job tomorrow so we will see how that goes, perfect timing as now the weather has decided to change and it is predicted to be up in the high 30's this week.
School is almost out, youngest son has one more exam and then is lined up to do some volunteer hours this week. As part of the graduation requirements here students have to do forty hours over their four years in high school, son moves into his last year in September and has about three under his belt!!
That pretty much cover all the exciting news from this part of the world.
Lots happening for you. Loved the pictures. Debra is a lovely girl who writes a nice blog. Hope you guys het some time together.
Lovely pictures and plenty of news.
That will be lovely meeting up with Debra.
Beautiful photos!!!
and your life is so full! here in Brasil things are a little less hectic hehe
Is Debra the same Debs Lehner who lived in France? I will have to check out her blog!
Big Hug! X
No Donny it's the other Debra (there are a few of them) haven't heard from Debs Lehner since she returned to the UK, much missed though.
Your garden looks wonderful.
Here the frost has killed just about all the early attempts at gardening that everyone did. What a shame.
My lonely tulip sprouted but never flowered.
We have had cool most of the time since our early days of spring sunshine. Then of course - snow snow and more snow. Why did I ever leave southern Ontario?
Garden looks gorgeous! Great to hear your news. We are currently in Portugal and have met up with a couple of fellow bloggers. It's great putting a face to the name :-)
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