A change is as good as a rest, don't they say. I have been meaning to have a bit of a spring clean and finally got around to it. Changing the template is about as adventurous as it gets here at the moment.
Also changed are our plans to get to France in March, instead it looks like it will be April as the firm I am temping for have asked me to stay on until the end of March so I am being virtuous and obligingly changing my plans. On the bright side at least the weather may be a little nicer in April. April in Paris sounds wonderful so I am seeing the silver lining in the situation. Also I am being a little premature on the "spring" cleaning as we are still amidst snowstorms and frigid temperatures around here. Hazel over at Mud Walls and Beams mentioned she has already seen snowdrops and crocus ...... that seems a long long way away.
I decided to "go green" in an effort to reflect my sentiments in the current greedy material world. Leaving a smaller carbon footprint and generally trying to use our world more gently is part of our reasoning behind our eventual move to France.
So fairly short and sweet today. However I would just like to thank everyone who stopped by my last post to leave a comment, advice and suggestions for our forthcoming trip. Thanks!!
PS: If anyone is interested, I also updated my profile.